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FormMail is a generic WWW form to e-mail gateway, which will parse the results of any form and send them to the specified user. This script has many formatting and operational options, most of which can be specified through the form, meaning you don't need any programming knowledge or multiple scripts for multiple forms. This also makes FormMail the perfect system-wide solution for allowing users form-based user feedback capabilities without the risks of allowing freedom of CGI access. There are several downloading options available below and more information on this script can be found in the Readme file.


The Readme files at Matt's Script Archive contain detailed installation, configuration and usage instructions, which take you step by step from putting the scripts on your system to using them in your web pages. You should read these through and keep them by you when setting up or installing any MSA script. It is probably not a bad idea to print them out. Each compressed script package contains a plain text version of the Readme file, however the links below will take you to their HTML counterparts.


FormMail can be downloaded in several different formats, or you can even have it mailed to you as a uuencoded file. Click on one of the links below to the appropriately compressed file and download options will appear.

Frequently Asked Questions

The Frequently Asked Questions Archive at MSA is the easiest and fastest way to get help. It contains a list of the most commonly asked questions as well as their answers. Check these out before you seek other means of help, as your question may be answered here already.

FormMail Extras

Extras are customizations, example modifications or anything else which helps you add-on or better utilize your FormMail script. FormMail extras include scripts which have been derived from FormMail and do various other tasks.

    • yForm.cgi
      The modificatons let you specify whether or not you wish to send the courtesy reply and whether or not you wish to log all form submissions in a database file located on your sever.
      Allows for personalized and automated e-mail responses to form submissions.
      FormMail spin-off allowing you to e-mail files to users.

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